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The EU Treaties and Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary【電子書籍】[ Manuel Kellerbauer ]

The EU Treaties and Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary【電子書籍】[ Manuel Kellerbauer ]

<p>The second edition of The EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary provides an article-by-article summary of the TEU, the TFEU, and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, to reflect the latest developments in the law since publication of the first edition in 2019. It offers a quick reference to the provisions of the treaties, how they are interpreted and applied in practic・・・(略)

e, and to the most important legal instruments enacted on their basis. The fully-updated Commentary considers key developments in all areas of EU law, including the debates and requirements around the Rule of Law, legal decisions in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change measures such as the European Green Deal, as well as recent changes to the Common Agricultural Policy. It also includes significant court rulings on freedom, security and justice, migration and asylum, as well as issues relating to freedom of movement and Brexit. The new edition outlines the Digital Markets Act, a major piece of legislation adopted in 2022 and contains significant updates on EU competition law in the light of new Regulations and Guidelines. Written by a team of contributors drawn from the Legal Service of the European Commission and from academia, the Commentary offers expert guidance to practitioners and academics seeking fast access to the Treaties, secondary law, and current practice. The Commentary follows a set structure, offering a short overview of the Article, the Article text itself, a key references list including essential case law and legislation, followed by a structured commentary on the Article. The editors and contributors combine experience in practice with a strong academic background and have published widely on a variety of EU law subjects.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】73,911  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary【電子書籍】[ D. N. Mackenzie ]

A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary【電子書籍】[ D. N. Mackenzie ]

<p>First published in 2004. The purpose of this dictionary is to provide the student with a representative vocabulary of Pahlavi in which such uncertain words have been reduced to a minimum and marked. It includes the commonest 4,000 simple words.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】11,817  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


Memory and the Computational Brain Why Cognitive Science will Transform Neuroscience【電子書籍】[ C. R. Gallistel ]

Memory and the Computational Brain Why Cognitive Science will Transform Neuroscience【電子書籍】[ C. R. Gallistel ]

<p><em>Memory and the Computational Brain</em> offers a provocative argument that goes to the heart of neuroscience, proposing that the field can and should benefit from the recent advances of cognitive science and the development of information theory over the course of the last several decades.</p> <ul> <li>A provocative argument that impacts across the fields of linguistics, cognitive scienc・・・(略)

e, and neuroscience, suggesting new perspectives on learning mechanisms in the brain</li> <li>Proposes that the field of neuroscience can and should benefit from the recent advances of cognitive science and the development of information theory</li> <li>Suggests that the architecture of the brain is structured precisely for learning and for memory, and integrates the concept of an addressable read/write memory mechanism into the foundations of neuroscience</li> <li>Based on lectures in the prestigious Blackwell-Maryland Lectures in Language and Cognition, and now significantly reworked and expanded to make it ideal for students and faculty</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】8,530  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


The Westwood Tarot (Tarot Deck and Guidebook, Box Set) WESTWOOD TAROT (TAROT DECK & G [ Kalliope Haratsidis ]

The Westwood Tarot (Tarot Deck and Guidebook, Box Set) WESTWOOD TAROT (TAROT DECK & G [ Kalliope Haratsidis ]

WESTWOOD TAROT (TAROT DECK & G Kalliope Haratsidis Yasmeen Westwood REDFEATHER2024 Other English ISBN:9780764368127 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

【価格】5,544  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


Droit constitutionnel 2025 27ed【電子書籍】[ Louis Favoreu ]

Droit constitutionnel 2025 27ed【電子書籍】[ Louis Favoreu ]

<p>Ce pr?cis met particuli?rement l'accent sur les d<strong>iff?rents ?l?ments constitutifs de l'?tat de droit</strong> et <strong>notamment sur " les sources du droit "</strong> et sur <strong>" la justice constitutionnelle "</strong>, dans une perspective de droit compar?. Il traite, de mani?re originale, de <strong>l'ancrage constitutionnel des institutions politiques mais aussi administrati・・・(略)

ves et juridictionnelles</strong>. ? cet ?gard, le <strong>" droit constitutionnel des collectivit?s locales "</strong> fait l'objet d'une pr?sentation d?taill?e. Il consacre par ailleurs des <strong>d?veloppements synth?tiques aux r?gimes politiques ?trangers</strong> et d'autres, plus substantiels, <strong>? l'histoire constitutionnelle fran?aise</strong> et <strong>au r?gime politique de la Ve R?publique</strong>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】4,840  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


The Animystic Tarot (Deck and Guidebook, Box Set) ANIMYSTIC TAROT (DECK & GDBK B [ Willow Fay ]

The Animystic Tarot (Deck and Guidebook, Box Set) ANIMYSTIC TAROT (DECK & GDBK B [ Willow Fay ]

ANIMYSTIC TAROT (DECK & GDBK B Willow Fay REDFEATHER2024 Other English ISBN:9780764368394 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

【価格】4,752  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


A Peace to End All Peace, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation PEACE TO END ALL PEACE 20TH AN [ David Fromkin ]

A Peace to End All Peace, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation PEACE TO END ALL PEACE 20TH AN [ David Fromkin ]

PEACE TO END ALL PEACE 20TH AN David Fromkin HENRY HOLT2009 Paperback Anniversary English ISBN:9780805088090 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) History

【価格】4,118  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


Angel Wisdom Tarot: A 78-Card Deck and Guidebook FLSH CARD-ANGEL GUIDANCE TAROT [ Radleigh Valentine ]

Angel Wisdom Tarot: A 78-Card Deck and Guidebook FLSH CARD-ANGEL GUIDANCE TAROT [ Radleigh Valentine ]

FLSH CARDーANGEL GUIDANCE TAROT Radleigh Valentine HAY HOUSE2020 Other English ISBN:9781401956707 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

【価格】3,960  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)




THERESA CHEUNG WELBECK (UK)2023 English イギリス ISBN:9781801292672 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

【価格】3,960  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


Flower Child Tarot: Deck & Guidebook FLSH CARD-FLOWER CHILD TAROT [ Kira Cyan (Rittgers) ]

Flower Child Tarot: Deck & Guidebook FLSH CARD-FLOWER CHILD TAROT [ Kira Cyan (Rittgers) ]

FLSH CARDーFLOWER CHILD TAROT Kira Cyan (Rittgers) PAGE STREET PUB2024 Other English ISBN:9798890030924 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

【価格】3,960  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


Droit des libert?s fondamentales 9ed【電子書籍】[ Louis Favoreu ]

Droit des libert?s fondamentales 9ed【電子書籍】[ Louis Favoreu ]

<p><strong>Un expos? exhaustif, analytique et didactique du droit des libert?s fondamentales</strong></p> <p>Ce manuel traite des droits et libert?s fondamentaux dans une perspective constitutionnelle, europ?enne et compar?e. Il entend pr?senter tant la th?orie g?n?rale de ces droits et libert?s que leurs protections constitutionnelles et europ?ennes (Conseil de l'Europe et Union europ?enne).</・・・(略)

p> <p>Cette 9e ?dition mise ? jour int?gre les d?veloppements textuels ou jurisprudentiels r?cents li?s aux grands d?fis s?curitaires, num?riques environnementaux, sanitaires ou migratoires, caract?risant cette troisi?me d?cennie du si?cle.</p> <p>? l'heure o? les droits fondamentaux se trouvent souvent remis en question par de tels d?fis ? l'?chelle mondiale et la multiplication des d?rogations, exceptions ou situations d'urgence, l'ouvrage ?tudie tant le rayonnement que les limites de ces droits et libert?s. Il s'attache ? mesurer les conditions de leur effectivit? et leur importance cruciale dans la d?fense de l'?tat de droit aujourd'hui.</p> <p>Les questions relatives ? la libert? d'expression, la vie priv?e, la libert? de religion, l'?galit? de genre, la libert? de mouvement, le droit au juge ou l'exigence de s?curit? juridique, illustrent tout particuli?rement les enjeux contemporains des d?mocraties.</p> <p>Dans la dimension constitutionnelle, la multiplication dans les ?tats de droit des recours en mati?re de libert?s et le d?veloppement, en France, du contentieux des questions prioritaires de constitutionnalit?, traduisent bien l'impact de ces droits fondamentaux sur les diff?rents ordres juridiques. Les d?bats li?s ? l'inscription, en France, de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse dans la Constitution ou ? la conciliation de la libert? de religion avec l'exigence de neutralit? de l'?tat soulignent de m?me l'importance de ces protections constitutionnelles.</p> <p>Dans la dimension europ?enne, les protections renouvel?es des syst?mes CEDH ou de l'Union europ?enne marquent encore cette emprise de droits et libert?s qui se trouvent plac?s au c?ur des mutations des soci?t?s d?mocratiques. Les garanties europ?ennes de droits et libert?s fondamentaux effectifs constituent, particuli?rement en temps de crise, un test d?cisif pour l'?tat de droit et notre identit? europ?enne continentale.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】3,960  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


The Cosmic Crossroads Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook for Times of Transition FLSH CARD-COSMIC CROSSROADS OR [ Amanda Lynn Aisling ]

The Cosmic Crossroads Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook for Times of Transition FLSH CARD-COSMIC CROSSROADS OR [ Amanda Lynn Aisling ]

FLSH CARDーCOSMIC CROSSROADS OR Amanda Lynn Aisling HAY HOUSE2024 Other English ISBN:9781401973780 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

【価格】3,484  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


Original Angel Cards and Book Set: Inspirational Messages and Meidtations ORIGINAL ANGEL CARDS & BK SET [ Kathy Tyler ]

Original Angel Cards and Book Set: Inspirational Messages and Meidtations ORIGINAL ANGEL CARDS & BK SET [ Kathy Tyler ]

ORIGINAL ANGEL CARDS & BK SET Kathy Tyler Joy Drake WORLD TREE PR2008 Paperback English ISBN:9780934245517 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

【価格】3,168  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


The Mind-Body Method: How Moving Your Body Can Strengthen Your Mind MIND-BODY METHOD [ Anders Hansen ]

The Mind-Body Method: How Moving Your Body Can Strengthen Your Mind MIND-BODY METHOD [ Anders Hansen ]

MINDーBODY METHOD Anders Hansen ZEITGEIST2024 Paperback English ISBN:9780593886342 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Psychology

【価格】3,009  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


【古本】 Just Kids - Patti Smith (Ecco) 【紙書籍】 9780060936228

【古本】 Just Kids - Patti Smith (Ecco) 【紙書籍】 9780060936228

タイトル: Just Kids著者: Patti Smith出版社: Ecco出版日: 2010年11月02日古本非常に良い。
ダスト ジャケットが付属している場合は、それも含まれます。
すべての注文に 100% 返金保証付き。
WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD"Reading rocker Smith's account of her relationship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, it's hard not to believe in fate. How else to explain the chance encounter th・・・(略)

at threw them together, allowing both to blossom? Quirky and spellbinding." -- People It was the summer Coltrane died, the summer of love and riots, and the summer when a chance encounter in Brooklyn led two young people on a path of art, devotion, and initiation. Patti Smith would evolve as a poet and performer, and Robert Mapplethorpe would direct his highly provocative style toward photography. Bound in innocence and enthusiasm, they traversed the city from Coney Island to Forty-Second Street, and eventually to the celebrated round table of Max's Kansas City, where the Andy Warhol contingent held court. In 1969, the pair set up camp at the Hotel Chelsea and soon entered a community of the famous and infamous, the influential artists of the day and the colorful fringe. It was a time of heightened awareness, when the worlds of poetry, rock and roll, art, and sexual politics were colliding and exploding. In this milieu, two kids made a pact to take care of each other. Scrappy, romantic, committed to create, and fueled by their mutual dreams and drives, they would prod and provide for one another during the hungry years.Just Kids begins as a love story and ends as an elegy. It serves as a salute to New York City during the late sixties and seventies and to its rich and poor, its hustlers and hellions. A true fable, it is a portrait of two young artists' ascent, a prelude to fame.

【価格】2,787  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)

Roundabout Books



DIANA/KEENAN COOPER, DAMIAN OTHERS2008 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781844091447 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit

【価格】2,692  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


US Navy Atlanta-class Light Cruisers 1940?49【電子書籍】[ Mark Lardas ]

US Navy Atlanta-class Light Cruisers 1940?49【電子書籍】[ Mark Lardas ]

<p><strong>A comprehensively illustrated account of the Atlanta-class cruisers, warships that found a surprising key role in the Pacific War as the US Navy's superb antiaircraft warships.</strong></p> <p>In the late 1930s, the US Navy created a class of small, light cruisers intended as a versatile destroyer leader. The Atlantas could provide antiaircraft support, lead and launch torpedo attack・・・(略)

s, serve as antisubmarine vessels, and outgun other light warships in a surface engagement. The wartime reality was different. In every surface action they fought, they found themselves pitted against bigger cruisers (or even battleships) instead of the destroyers they were designed to defeat.</p> <p>In this book, naval historian Mark Lardas explains that despite their flaws, they proved one of the most useful warships in the US Navy: with a main battery of sixteen 5in guns, they proved to be superb antiaircraft cruisers. From the battle of Midway onwards, they protected the Navy's most valuable ships ? its aircraft carriers ? so effectively that later Atlantas were built to a modified design as specialist antiaircraft ships. The Navy even ordered a follow-on class postwar and considered building a “super-Atlanta,” armed only with heavy antiaircraft guns.</p> <p>Packed with illustrations, this book examines the history, development, and modifications of these unusual warships, and their impact on the Pacific War.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】2,297  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


臺灣市街電車夢【電子書籍】[ 楊?正 ]

臺灣市街電車夢【電子書籍】[ 楊?正 ]

<p><strong>搭電車去大稻?拜城隍、去安平看夕陽</strong><br /> <strong>在現代的城市街道中走一?電車夢之旅</strong></p> <p>本書特色:<br /> ◎「進入平行時空,神遊在擁有電車的次元中」<br /> ◎作者蒐集大量文字、圖片史料,。
</p> <p>19世紀後期,全世界有了第一條電氣鐵路,此後各國陸續修築電器鐵路,新的交通時代來臨。

></p> <p>作者參考日治時期的電車資料、地圖,以及記?當時台灣風貌的老照片、老地圖,以數位技術合成城市和電車老照片,讓路面電車飛馳在臺灣的市街上,甚至完成了幾可亂真的路線圖、旅遊摺頁。
</p> <p>※電子書無附贈品※</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】1,911  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


Speculative Annihilationism The Intersection of Archaeology and Extinction【電子書籍】[ Matt Rosen ]

Speculative Annihilationism The Intersection of Archaeology and Extinction【電子書籍】[ Matt Rosen ]

<p>If Levinas and Negarestani raised a child enchanted by the dark, then this is his debut. In this book, Rosen argues that current archaeological theoretic approaches are not up to the task of adequately theorizing exhumation in our present age of extinctions. Speculative Annihilationism attempts to “think thought’s extinction,” suggesting a new ontological ground for archaeology. Combining co・・・(略)

ntemporary work in speculative philosophy, saprophytic dialectics, and Levinasian ethics, Rosen’s “putrefied-thought” explores themes of the unthought and unthinkable, anonymity, otherness, and meaninglessness so that archaeology can be granted a new basis, a new avenue of inquiry at its intersection with extinction.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】1,619  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


圖解台灣鐵道世紀【電子書籍】[ 李欽賢 ]

圖解台灣鐵道世紀【電子書籍】[ 李欽賢 ]

<p><strong>走?!乘坐台灣銀河鐵道,來?時空打?環島之旅</strong></p> <p>◎ 台灣環島鐵路站站相連全紀?,有最精彩的鐵道文化、車站名勝與旅情。
<br /> ◎ 台灣從清領時期開闢,經日治時期縱貫線完備,到戰後形成環島路線,以至台灣高鐵的興築,綜觀鐵道開拓史料及史蹟興衰,勾勒台灣鐵道百年?史。
<br /> ◎ 以嶄新的視覺概念,一站一站呈現台灣鐵道文化的動態軌跡及靜態史蹟之間的特殊性,?讀當中可隨風景轉換知性與感性。
</p> <p>[關於本書]<br /> 從劉銘傳時期鐵路接軌日治時期縱貫鐵路後,台灣現代化的巨輪已轟隆隆的向前滾動,不論貨物、人員的運輸,甚至旅遊大時代的形成,鐵道扮演著前所未見、改變生活的時空工具,城市發展隨鐵道擴張,市民作息隨鐵道時刻改變,鐵道在台灣初始,不僅僅只是交通工具,也是照見未來的文明先鋒。

p> <p>本書從台灣全島環?鐵道開始?起,旁述各種影響台灣?業至鉅的支線,以及最先進的高速鐵路,帶領讀者一站串接一站,以圖解編排方式,地毯式呈現台灣最重要的車站及其發展情形,?讀之間猶如享受乘坐慢車,翻?台灣鐵道風景線,到達的?一座車站都可以放緩??後再出發,走過的?一條鐵道路線都能?看見島嶼世紀風華,走?!現在就隨台灣鐵道出發打?。
</p> <p>本書特色<br /> 1.以台灣鐵道為行旅定點,串接起一個個在地鐵道文化與相關風景,以寫景的視覺、慢旅的速度,?讀台灣鐵道百年來的?史與各車站風華。
<br /> 2.以行旅和身心結合,五感體驗鐵道文化與文物,不管是?業、建築與美景,讓旅行不再是只為了?行程而匆忙,讓身心全然的投入,實際的動手DIY參與,留下身與心最深刻的記憶連結,?發個人獨特的旅行境界。
<br /> 3.以大量圖解方式供鐵道迷回顧台灣百年鐵道?史與文物的新型態鐵道書。
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【価格】1,505  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)




NORMAN LEWIS SIGNET BOOKS USA英語 多読 ノーマン・ルイス TOEICレベル 470以上程度 1982 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780451166470 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Language Arts & Disciplines

【価格】1,425  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


停止?耗:為什麼光是待著就很累?停止讓情緒?耗?走?的人生【?耗型人格自救小本本】(暢銷慶功版)【電子書籍】[ 若杉 ]

停止?耗:為什麼光是待著就很累?停止讓情緒?耗?走?的人生【?耗型人格自救小本本】(暢銷慶功版)【電子書籍】[ 若杉 ]

<p>★2024暢銷慶功版!療癒無數人心的?暖之書!<br /> 在紛紛擾擾的世界,?需要的不是讀?他人的心,<br /> 而是向?探索,讀?自己,<br /> 並用?喜歡的方式照顧自己。
</p> <p>\?的疲憊,是因為?心戲太多。
/<br /> 陪伴身心?疲、無能為力的?<br /> 用43篇諮商故事擺?「我很累、沒時間」的焦慮,<br /> 帥氣地重新掌控自己的生活。
</p> <p>★ 抖音、小紅書、IG等社交平台熱議話題,句句戳中現代人心理的「累」點!<br /> ★ 結合心理諮商與真實故事,打破?耗的習慣,現學現用!<br /> ★ 活在厭世生活圈的?,一定會在這本書中某處看見自己疲憊焦慮的靈魂。
</p> <p>本書適合:<br /> ???心厭世卻?不出口的現代人 ??討好型人格 ??負責感爆棚的模範生代表 ??完美主義者<br /・・・(略)

> ??極度需要被討厭的勇氣 ??容易被情緒勒索的好脾氣代表<br /> ??過度在乎他人眼光或外在標準,導致心理?傷嚴重的各種人!</p> <p>?曾陷入這樣的困境??<br /> 明明一整天什麼都沒做,卻累到不行。
<br /> 想好好愛自己、朝夢想前進,但一天過去,?又沒力氣了。
</p> <p>如果?常常覺得心很累,連呼吸都令?疲憊,<br /> 失去對生活的熱情,也找不到「自己」真實的模樣,<br /> 也許,情緒?耗正在?走?的人生。
</p> <p>?耗型人格自我檢?──<br /> ?是否有以下情緒?耗的習慣:<br /> 〓 停不下來的「想太多」,老是擔心自己不?好,總是三心兩意、戰戰兢兢。
<br /> 〓 過度追求完美、追求「更好」,否則就是不上進!<br /> 〓 上?的討好他人,太習慣活在別人的眼光裡,人前委屈人後?屈。
<br /> 〓 大家都??是好人,但?這個「好人」好得不像人!<br /> 〓 過度敏感、沒自信,不知道什麼才是真正的「做自己」。
<br /> 〓 什麼事都沒做,也累到不行,對生活的熱情如一攤死水。
</p> <p>寫給?個容易疲憊又焦慮的?耗者,<br /> 帶?重建?心秩序,今天開始活成?最篤定的模樣!<br /> 終結自我?耗的迷茫,找回相信自己的力量。
</p> <p>〓 STEP 1. 找到完整的自己:<br /> 阻??實現夢想的障礙物,就是別人的眼光。
</p> <p>〓 STEP 2. 終結自我角力的?耗:<br /> 生命有無數的「更好」,但並不是所有的「更好」都適合自己。
</p> <p>〓 STEP 3. 告別完美主義:<br /> 不?完美又何妨?萬物皆有裂痕,那是光進來的地方。
</p> <p>〓 STEP 4. 讓情緒自由:<br /> 越是勇於面對自己的衝突並且努力尋求解決方法,就越容易獲得?心的自由和更強大的力量。
</p> <p>〓 STEP 5. 擁抱一個不累的人生:<br /> 停止活在無意義的「必須」裡,疲憊了自己,模糊了方向。
</p> <p>「願我們都能終結?心的兵荒馬亂,在喧鬧的世界找到自己。
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Sentindo o Abra?o do Pai【電子書籍】[ Jack Frost ]

Sentindo o Abra?o do Pai【電子書籍】[ Jack Frost ]

<p>Um livro que mostra como o amor e cuidado do Pai podem ser sentidos intimamente, apontando ?reas de impedimento que venham a atrapalhar sua experi?ncia com o Criador. O Amor de Deus n?o tem distin??o de idade, cor, g?nero, prefer?ncia politica ou denominacional: O cuidado para conosco ? sempre o mesmo. Neste livro, so apresentadas diversas formas de aproxima?o com Deus, tanto para novos cris・・・(略)

t?os quanto para os mais experientes. S?o verdades que far?o uma diferen?a positiva na vida daqueles que buscam um relacionamento ?ntimo para si, com Deus e com o pr?ximo. Esta n?o ? uma hist?ria sem fundamento; ? baseada nas Escrituras e nas experi?ncias e testemunhos de um homem que ir? encoraj?-lo e inspir?-lo em sua busca pelo cuidado eterno de nosso Pai. Este livro ir? te ajudar a sentir o amor de Deus!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】921  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


【中古】 WORD POWER MADE EASY(A) / Norman Lewis / Pocket Books [その他]【メール便送料無料】【最短翌日配達対応】

【中古】 WORD POWER MADE EASY(A) / Norman Lewis / Pocket Books [その他]【メール便送料無料】【最短翌日配達対応】

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【価格】328  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)

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Korean Art Odyssey【電子書籍】[ Maher Asaad Baker ]

Korean Art Odyssey【電子書籍】[ Maher Asaad Baker ]

<p>Embark on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of Korean arts with "Korean Art Odyssey." This book delves into the fascinating world of Korean artistic expression, tracing its origins from prehistoric times to the vibrant contemporary scene. Uncover the evolution of Korean arts, Immerse yourself in the distinctive regional styles that emerged during the Three Kingdoms period, and ・・・(略)

witness the zenith of Buddhist and secular art during the Unified Silla era. Explore the traditional forms of Korean art, such as calligraphy, painting, pottery, and sculpture, each with its unique styles and techniques. Discover the captivating works of renowned artists like Kim Hong-do, Lee Jung-seob, Nam June Paik, and Lee Bul, who have left an indelible mark on art. Unveil the cultural influences that have shaped Korean arts, from the profound impact of Confucianism and Buddhism to the vibrant expressions of shamanism and folk culture. Delve into the future of Korean arts, where contemporary artists push boundaries and embrace new mediums to express their views on identity, society, and the digital age.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】390  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


The Story of a Soul【電子書籍】[ St. Therese of Lisieux, Wyatt North ]

The Story of a Soul【電子書籍】[ St. Therese of Lisieux, Wyatt North ]

<p>This book comes complete with a Touch-or-Click Table of Contents, divided by each section. This edition has a linked Table of Contents and has been wonderfully formatted (searchable and interlinked) to work on your eBook reader. Saint Th?r?se of Lisieux (or Saint Th?r?se of the Child) was a French Carmelite nun. She is also known as "The Little Flower of Jesus."She felt an early call to reli・・・(略)

gious life, and overcoming various obstacles, in 1888 at the early age of 15, became a nun and joined two of her older sisters in the cloistered Carmelite community of Lisieux, Normandy. After nine years as a Carmelite religious, having fulfilled various offices such as sacristan and assistant to the novice mistress, and having spent the last eighteen months in Carmel in a night of faith, she died of tuberculosis at the age of 24. The impact of The Story of a Soul, a collection of her autobiographical manuscripts, printed and distributed a year after her death to an initially very limited audience, was great, and she rapidly became one of the most popular saints of the twentieth century.You can purchase other religious works directly from Wyatt North Publishing.Enjoy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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【価格】167  (2025/02/20 14:23:26 現在)


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